If you told me three weeks ago that I would write a post with these 2 words on the title I would think they would be there with an ironic tone. But actually, something strange has happened (maybe it's global warming!) and the summer has been great in the city!
First of all, some news... London is not just a city that fills my traveller's dreams, is the city that fills my days! We (the A&As) moved to the UK's capital at the beginning of this month. This means that now I'm a true foreigner, not just a tourist any more.
But this post is about the ice cream's experiences in London!
Last week we heard about this "event", a place where we could go to do our own personalized Magnum! Of course my reaction was something like "I want to go, I want to go, I want to go! :D". And this Tuesday, after work, there we were, at Oxford St. (right in the centre of the city), in line to do our own Magnum.
With some time to feel the Magnum vibe (30 minutes of waiting!!) we got immersed in the Magnum lush all around.
Our imagination had to follow certain steps to reach its whole glory.
The available toppings were this incredible mix of edible rose petals, silver pearls, mint flavoured crunchy stuff and a lot of other ones that I can't remember right now!
Inspired as we were, these were the works of art that came out of our instructions
Mine is the one on the left and Andre's is the one on the right |
They were... interesting :P! We both agreed that the best choice would be a vanilla filling with dark chocolate on the outside that would let the toppings do their magic! The truth is that it felt like this crazy mix of flavours in our mouth! My even had a mouth popping topping and sea salt! But it was a great experience, one we'd recommend vividly :)!
And later these week, strolling around the shelves of the supermarket, the gluttony in me was craving for something sweet and it got fixated on this box of Oreo Ice cream cones! And they had a great price... The hedonist in me own and the box came home with us! And after the first bite, I was a fan!! It's this really creamy thing with bits of Oreo chocolate cookie here and there! It's DELICIOUS!
I'll just show you a picture of it, but with the wrapping still on so you won't drool on your keyboards (or so I won't drool on mine :P)
I'm sure there will be many other experiences, even ice cream experiences, in London worthy of being told in this blog. And I'll be here to tell them to you. Especially now, that I became a true Foreign! :)